Top 4 Reasons People Don’t Use CalcuQuote

Without a doubt, our customers have driven the development of the CalcuQuote platform by providing valuable feedback for improvements and new ideas for features. However, we’ve learned almost as much from missed opportunities and the potential customers who have walked away. 

We listen to their objections and work to tailor our product to suit the needs of the broader EMS community. Read on for the top four reasons why people decide not to use CalcuQuote and what we’re doing to change their minds. 

4. “I’m too busy.”

We completely understand that you’re stretched for time and often juggling competing priorities. However, your busy schedule is exactly the reason to implement CalcuQuote – we exist to optimize your supply chain and save you time right away. We want to help you work smarter, not harder. The investment of time up front will lead to significantly improved processes and efficiency down the road.

 As for onboarding, we have a thorough, guided process to guarantee proper configuration of the system and provide comprehensive training to set you up for long-term success. We’re alongside your team every step of the way and strive to get you up and running as quickly as possible.

3. “It doesn’t have XYZ feature that I need.” 

We consistently prioritize customer feedback in determining our software updates and roll-outs. Chances are, we can work to build XYZ feature in the long run. Our mission is to move EMS forward and as part of that, we are constantly working to improve our platform to meet the needs of the industry. 

 That being said, we’ve worked hard to be confident that we offer a feature line-up that will enhance your supply chain and solve many of your most pressing issues. You can read more about a few of our most game-changing features here

2. “It’s too expensive.” or “My current process is free.”

Based on our industry benchmarking, we’re actually one of the most affordable providers, especially when you consider the comprehensiveness of our platform. Investing in CQ is an investment in sustainable supply chain solutions. By reducing response time, improving accuracy, preventing human errors and delivering performance metrics, CQ adds tremendous long-term value. Overall, it also frees up time to focus on more strategic measures and to find ways of reducing larger-scale company costs.  

 Our success is based on your success, so we want to make sure you have a good return on investment too. Here’s our ROI Calculator to see how much CQ could save your business. With this in mind, our contracts are month to month so you can easily stop at any point, and we have a tiered pricing model to accommodate a wide range of business needs. We put in a lot of effort to make sure you get your money’s worth by providing responsive customer service and additional resources for improving your supply chain on top of CQ software.

 1. “I’m not interested in switching up my process.”

 We get it – change is hard. However, sometimes it’s necessary to stay at the forefront of your industry with the best technology. CalcuQuote’s advanced API integrations allow you to easily access contract and preferred pricing when using the system, with real-time data from a wide variety of key suppliers. We have auto-select functionality with the ability to filter for sufficient inventory, the lowest cost and more to help you to get the results you need to accurately quote a job. We are more than just a tool to exchange information with suppliers, allowing your team to prepare a quote and issue a PO all in one place. 

In addition to industry-leading functionality, our software was built with a deep understanding of what EMS contract manufacturers need to respond better, faster and more accurately by a team with decades of experience in the EMS industry.

 If you’re ready to see how your business could take it to the next level with CalcuQuote, let’s talk!

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